The Real Normal Podcast
Three blokes get together to cover all the stories in the news and from UK politics over the last week with an amusing eye. Expect laughter, analysis, listener rants and awful DIY songs!
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The Real Normal Podcast
Ep 41. INSIDE UKRAINE | Tanya Shelepko, Alex Borovenskiy, Bogdan and Pro English Theatre
In a departure from our usual show we're back with our friend Tanya Shelepko. She's also joined by Alex and Bogdan. We are going to find out what life is like back in Kyiv, Ukraine, in a bunker hiding from the Russian shelling. We'll discuss survival during the War, plans for the future, Ukraine's spirit and when we will one day meet.
DONATE to Pro English Theatre Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/proenglish_theatre
Pro English Theatre IG: https://www.instagram.com/proenglish_theatre/
More ways to help Ukraine: https://how-to-help-ukraine-now.super.site/
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